We often traveled solo, and Pelorica, as it was called then was, in fact, our destination stop on the way farther south. This was after the Los Mosches ( near downtown) chicken-surrounded RV lot, was off our list after we found it flooded with a foot of standing water. But the final year at that Pemex lot, we had found ourselves alone, no other RV'ers there, in with a sea of Mexican rigs, with partying going on next to us. Remembering that we had once had a bicycle stolen off our bike rack there, and by night fall and nothing had changed next door, we pulled out in darkness and stopped at the next Pemex, not far down the road. Next day, Mazatlan. That year we left through Texas, our final trip to mainland Mexico. Our dry camping beach and the larger main beach, had been taken over at gunpoint by about 60 Jalisco riot police with automatic rifles soon after, in August of 2010. Four years later, we had a gathering of more than twenty campers who had become good friends, at that beach, in Southern California. None there had then been driving to Mexico in recent years.