This is from my files - I have not idea what is there now.
Hotel Villa Mexicana Creel
1-888-562-610-2095 From México: 01-800-710-6422 614-421-7088 635-456-0666
Rates: $10-20 for 2 people - various discounts Type of Hookup: 38 Full Hook Ups Total Sites: 73
Lots of pull thrus. Easy parking. Electricity/ Amps: 30 & 50
Rates Vary according to service: $5 for storage - $20 for full hookup Open all year
Restaurant / bar Laundry Tenting Public phone No pets
KOA Standards plus. Large group kitchen. Great playground including volleyball and basketball, soccer courts
Directions: Highway16 from Chihuahua. Go West approximately 98 kms to Cuauhtemoc. Follow signs to Creel.
C 27, 44, 29.3 -107, 38, 10.0
Decimal Degrees: 27.74147 -107.63611
Degrees, Decimal Minutes: 27, 44.4883 -107, 38.1667
Degrees, Minutes, Seconds: 27, 44, 29.3 -107, 38, 10.0
27.74207 -107.63775 7,700’Sea Level
NO Hookups
Rate: $10.00 USD per Night
$60.00 USD per Week
$250.00 USD per Month
Water, Electricity
Rate: $18.00 USD per Night
$89.00 USD per Week
$360.00 USD per Month