Forum Discussion

dcason's avatar
May 14, 2019

Route 138 Baie Comeau QB GOING EAST

has anyone ever taken this road going east after Baie Comeau in Quebec? We are going to add it to next year's Newfoundland/labrador trip...just wondering what to expect. Have done google maps so I know a bit...somewhere new to go!
  • dcason wrote:
    We did the quebec part (389) and that was the worst part. On the other gravel roads in Labrador we found that if you got up to 40-45 miles per hour you could glide over the top and let the suspension do the work; under that and it was rough. However, QB it was impossible to get to that speed because the roads were winding enough to prevent it. Luckily for us the big trucks were mostly going the other way and they WERE booking it.

    We did it in a 24 foot class c with no toad. It was/is not new so we weren't worried about anything; it was/is a fun mobile.

    More is paved these days but the QB part is not really pleasant but doable. We forgot to get the satellite phone last time and had not problems. We will get it this time. There are people that drive it just not a lot. And if someone is stopped you ask if they are okay.


    That sounds about right for the road conditions, I assumed Quebec would be worse than N&L. It's the same situation when you cross the Ontario/Quebec border on the 401. The roads are terrible, because no one takes responsibility for them that close to the border.
    When you do a "directions" in Google Maps for Baie Comeau to Blanc Sablon for example, I think it uses an average speed of around 45mph dividing the total distance by their time estimate, so you were right on the money for speed.
    The last point is the one that is holding us back. Our Navion is about a year old and I'm not sure we'd want to risk any damage from roads, rocks, and rude truckers, since you mentioned the long haulers. It's got to be the same warnings as the routes to Tok and Tuk. Take a good spare tire(s), extra supplies food/water/fuel if you can, watch out for truckers speeding towards you (they all do it, and some couldn't care less about the rest of us), and be prepared to get stuck, or have some sort of communications method available, if you do.
    10-4 on the sat phone, and stopping to check on others that are stopped and are looking lost or having problems. We do that almost everywhere.
    Good luck with it.
  • We did the quebec part (389) and that was the worst part. On the other gravel roads in Labrador we found that if you got up to 40-45 miles per hour you could glide over the top and let the suspension do the work; under that and it was rough. However, QB it was impossible to get to that speed because the roads were winding enough to prevent it. Luckily for us the big trucks were mostly going the other way and they WERE booking it.

    We did it in a 24 foot class c with no toad. It was/is not new so we weren't worried about anything; it was/is a fun mobile.

    More is paved these days but the QB part is not really pleasant but doable. We forgot to get the satellite phone last time and had not problems. We will get it this time. There are people that drive it just not a lot. And if someone is stopped you ask if they are okay.

  • dcason wrote:
    has anyone ever taken this road going east after Baie Comeau in Quebec? We are going to add it to next year's Newfoundland/labrador trip...just wondering what to expect. Have done google maps so I know a bit...somewhere new to go!

    Yes I drove that road from Tadoussac to Sept Iles quite often in 1978-9. Back then it was a bit hairy at times but the road has been largely upgraded. There are stretches of forests and forests and then poof all of a sudden you're in a village. There a numerous stops along the way so no need of gas tank running empty.
  • Then I tip my hat to you. Very impressive. What vehicle(s) did you use to challenge the TLH, if I may ask?

    I've read several trip advisor reports and and other picture blogs from those who have braved the TLH, and it sounds like it's do-able, but I'm not sure if I'm adventurous enough to try it in our rig/towed setup, at this time. If I had a 4X4 truck with enough room in it to sleep 2 plus a cat, with dual tanks, and the physical strength to change a flat tire or two, I might try that scenario. Any route that suggests you borrow a satellite phone for emergency contact in case of problems, is probably not going to be an easy go. And there's no guarantee anyone will be able to help you in the event of a major mechanical, or other problem out there, so the RCMP and NL government websites suggest.
    Even QC389 from Baie Comeau to Labrador City sounds challenging, again based on internet chatter.
    I contacted GOV.NL.CA in 2016 and asked several questions regarding the progress on paving the remaining sections of 500/510 through Labrador. The answers were vague and disappointing.
    I may have to revisit the project sometime soon, but the new road to Tuk has bumped it to 3rd place in our long range road trip list. A return to Alaska is in the mix, as well.
  • We have done labrador in 2013 when less was paved but are going back next year and spending more time in labrador and adding in the two routes (one west of blanc-sablon and this one going east. yup it dead ends.
  • I think the question is why would anyone want to drive it? It's a way to get to Sept Isles, if that's your target, but eventually dead ends after that.
    If you want a challenge, try the TLH to Blanc Sablon, QC, then over to Saint Barbe, NL from there.
    Do some research first, though. Neither route is easy, from what I can tell. I did some research a few years back, thinking I might try the TLH as a way to get to Newfoundland via Labrador/Quebec. I decided to wait until more of the TLH gets paved. I could be dead by then, at the rate that's progressing.

    Good luck on 138. Personally, we prefer Hwy 132 around the Gaspe. Nice drive, and more amenities, probably.
  • LOL, so no one has EVER gone this way? Oh well, I will let you know then! The road least travelled!