We've been in Mexico nearly 3 weeks now. I've lost count of how many times we've been in Mexico - always for a month at a time. The number is between 15-20 times though. Practically every visit occurred around Easter. When I comment that there is a noticeable absence of people from the US and Canada there is some factual basis in my observation.
When we first started RVing in Mexico (1999) there were more campgrounds and more campers. First the campers from the US disappeared - it was then mostly Canadians - then those dropped off too, then the open campgrounds closed. Now even US & Canadian tourists seem to have absented themselves from Mexico.
I'm confident that the cruise ships will still be disgorging tourists at ports for a few hours at a time and passenger jets will be flying tourists in to Cancun, but out on the highways there is a very perceptible change.
Maybe it's Covid-19 nesting, media coverage which tends to ignore internal US violence in favor of Mexican violence, the economy, or societal changes away from Jack Kerouac's style of Mexican adventurism in favor of artificial Disney vacations... I don't know.
It is a shame that people will miss something that we've enjoyed so much, a shame that Mexico's tourist industry is now more internal than it was.