ADAD437 wrote:
i will be going thru st louis this sunday, i know the by pass is better but we are stopping in east st louis. so my question is, is there construction on either one and which will be the best? thanks in advance.
Can we assume you're stopping at the Casino in E St Louis? You sure don't want to be driving around any other part of ESL and definitely not after dark. Seriously. ESL is better than it use to be but the word 'better' is relative. There use to be 400+ murders a year in ESL. Now it's less than 200. Robberies, muggings, etc are still common. There are no businesses or tourist things in ESL. ESL is not a place you want to mess around. You'll find more trouble than you can imagine.
I-255 takes you right by E St Louis. If you're going to the Casino Queen then take I-255 to I-55 and then I-55 to 3rd St Exit. That will take you directly to the Casino.