WE went in 2013....June. Actively paving then and probably a fair amount done since then. Lonnieandsue.com Lonnie went this year Baie Comeau to Labrador City, etc. (we did opposite direction. However, Lonnie had some issues with hand so he isn't putting up his info for a few months he said...so you can wait for that..
You can read our blog about it
here.As soon as we got on the road in Red Bay, Hubby played with speeds. First slow and then he decided to kick it up a notch to kind of dance across the top. Faster worked better but all hell broke loose in the back; I sketched the rattling. The Quebec portion of the road was pretty hilly, weaving winding and REALLY hard to gain any moment to keep the Labrador speed so we had to go slower. There were some surprise paved areas that we hadn't expected there based on the info I had before we went.
We were not in Labrador a long time and the Churchill power plant was closed to touring (which we heard was common). Forest Fire burning near Lab City so we didn't hang there as there was enough commotion going on.
Quebec needed to grade their roads much better; Labrador was actively grading theirs. No mishaps...good because we kind of forgot to get the satellite phone. Saw wildlife along the road = nice! Note there are not many "rest areas" along the whole root at all (just a few). Rest area = a parking area and maybe a picnic table at best.
We are glad we did it but will wait to do it again when more road is paved and spend more time.
We overnighted in Manic 5 along with a ton of truckers and left early (really early...read that part to find out exactly why!). Boon docking wherever you can find it (the couple of rest areas, gravel pit...easy enough I would say. We got gas when we saw it (no gambling on that should a pump be out or broken and didn't worry about price).
Mosquitos? we hoped we didn't have to get out to fix a tire. One road worker had the obligatory helmet plastered with some goo and TONS of mosquitos stuck on it.
I don't know about the sharp stones as we didn't have any problems with our 10ply tires on our 25 foot class c. I do know the gravel on the very edges can be "soft" so don't go too far over (we knew so we did not).
The truckers in Quebec are booking it FAST so do yourself a favor and get out of their way.
Go for it. This was end of June and we only saw 3 other rv's of any sort along the whole way. There are very few cars on the road so be prepared with anything/everything you need...nothing between the towns (absolutely nothing but lovely scenery).
Watch weather and make sure snow is gone before you start in Baie Comeau (which is why we went the other way so we could go early).