"non USLD" option from the factory (no DPF and other emission stuff). I would have loved to get this option but it wasn't allowed in our jurisdiction.
I am wondering about this question. Is this in Canada? In the US all from 2007 are ULSD. Maybe in Canada not all are ULSD? No ULSD in Mexico so new vehicles do not have the same equipment as those in the US. Maybe not all in Canada are required to have this equipment? Maybe someone in Canada knows?
What is it about the culture and theft?
No idea how to answer this question. What "culture"? There are thieves in all cultures and at all levels of every culture. Bankers and stockbrokers top the list - Bernie Madoff? And so many others. List longer than the long arm of the law. Billionaires!! Thieves all. But minorities at least have a bit more of an excuse - they live in poverty and in some cases stealing is the only way to feed their family. What is the excuse of the "culture" on Wall Street? They stole my retirement!!