Much of the petty theft down here is due to an attitude that goes something like this..
"If the owner really wanted for (this) to not be stolen, he would have taken better precautions"
Cristal, methamphetamine, has become a huge problem even in rural towns. People on meth cannot work, their brain is fried.
But the law in Mexico regarding pollution is tightening up. Mexico City and state has mandated laws that force prison sentences on violators. The arcane ten billion laws of Mexico actually force people to circumvent them in order to exist. The society centuries ago got tired of not being able to live by adhering the insane numbers of laws, rules and regulations and they started ignoring them. Many folks do not know when to say when so they start violating many of the existing laws then expanded that little by little to include much of the law and regulations. The government responded by imposing draconian penalties. Politicians were grossly underpaid as were cops. So they started stealing and extorting. The people do not want to pay and the officials are convinced if they abandon their wicked ways, they will starve to death. And the population in general become cynical as hell.
A huge percentage of pipeline thefts are due to ORGANIZED CRIME. The same wonderful folks who receive billions upon billions of dollars sent to Mexico annually to support their demand for cheap at any cost (in lives) drugs. So please knock off racist comments that are not based in fact.
Let's focus on UBA, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel, shall we?
The -ONLY- reason the US sells ULSD to PEMEX is to provide cross border big rigs with non polluting diesel. The USA is SHORT on ULSD. Mexico has to import a substantial amount of ULSD which is refined in JAPAN. A fifteen hundred mile journey to Mexico City is out of the question as PEMEX claims it would take more than 200 tanker loads a day to supply the city and state. All of the state of Baja California has ULSD because Tijuana, Tecate, and Mexicali all have an enormous volume of cross border trucks. The entire remainder of the state consumes <1% of ULSD and PEMEX would be an idiot to send fuel from La Paz 800-miles north to cover Baja California except in the immediate border zone. The same holds true for regular grade Magna and premium grade Premium. Every last drop in Baja California (NOT Baja Sur) is USA gasoline minus the alcohol. It is illegal to sell or transport gasoline laced with alcohol in all Mexico.
But rest assured, draconian law will insure that every last brand new public transportation vehicle has the latest particulate filter engines. They will be inspected for compliance. The public has already ridiculed city and state officials, so the officials are ultra-sensitive about this point. These UBA vehicle laws will stay enforced.
Speaking of pollution corruption-
Note that to be smogged in California an extremely expensive dynamometer talks by database link direct to state facilities in Sacramento. This system HAD TO BE INCORPORATED to eliminate fraud in the emission compliance laws. The auto insurance industry charges >$20.00 vehicle annually to provide the state with immediate notification of cancellation or non-payment of liability insurance. Too many "honest" uninsured motorists otherwise I suppose.
When Mexico and Mexico the state starts getting Mexican refined UBA the hue and cry will rattle windows north of the Rio Bravo, trust me...