briansue wrote:
What ever gave you the idea that I asked you to respond
I have always understood this is an open forum where anyone can respond. So what is this "culture" of which you speak?
diverting off topic
Topic is ULSD - you brought up "culture and theft"?
mexicowanderer brought up theft of oil from pemex pipelines. You really are not following this thread, just me. Calling me a bigot because I've quoted of multiple occasions where Hispanic folks of Mexican descent have stolen from me. That's a burr under your skin, not mine. You probably feel that "profiling" is wrong also, even though law enforcement uses it constantly. Sherriff Joe Arpaio must make your blood boil.
Mexicowander has made numerous examples/comment of mexicans where he lives stealing everything that is not screwed or nailed down. He quotes them as stealing pemex oil also. A news clip above confirms it.
As I said, you are not following the thread, just following and trolling up myself.
And at the rate you are going, you'll get this thread shut down and closed also.
I want to make you feel special... you are the first person I've ever blocked on this board. Enjoy your special privileges.
I believe in only 2 races... a perfect example can be shown here... around the 2 minute mark.
What every graduate should know.