profdant139 wrote:
ThunderMtn makes a good point -- if you can hike, you really can get away from the crowds, even on the east side. That is especially true of the very high altitude hikes -- as soon as you are a quarter mile away from the trailhead, you are alone.
DW wanted to go to the east side -- I fought against it and lost -- and I am glad I lost. We love boondocking and solitude, but there are those times when you just have to give in to the crowds.
Hiking is one of the reasons that I go up to Rocky multiple times each season...on the EAST side. Last year we did the Bierstadt Trail starting at the park and ride lot off the Bear Lake Road and saw very few people going up (it's a fairly strenuous hike with a goodly elevation change); most were coming down, having started at the much easier Bear Lake parking lot.
Have also hiked beyond Alberta Falls, a popular destination. Once you go beyond there, you won't run into a lot of people. Hike leads to Lake Haiyaha, and then on to Emerald Lake, Dream Lake, and Nymph Lake. About 7 miles around, you'll run into people going up as you're coming down from Emerald Lake. But rarely are there crowds.
There are many other trails to explore in Rocky. Whenever I'm asked why I go up there so much, that's the answer I give -- lots to see and do beyond Trail Ridge Road, on the east side of Rocky.