BillyandKris wrote:
Thom02099, Thanks. Cool. We are 8.5 ft. wide, but feel sure we will be OK. I remember driving through there, but not any details. After Mountain Park and hiking we plan to continue on west to Walden and then to west side of Rocky Mountain NP. We are very used to driving in Colorado (even Slugullion Pass LOL)
You're in for a treat! The drive west from Mountain Park to Walden is a beautiful one. West of Rustic, the canyon opens up more, there's meadows and lots of Aspen groves to see, and the colours will be starting to change a bit the higher up you go. Cameron Pass is not difficult at all, just a bit steep on the west side going down, but certainly nothing to compare to Slumgullion! And it's a shorter drop down as well, only a few miles down. You'll go past Ranger Lakes CG, which is where I'll be staying in 2 weekends. Great CG! And the drive on over to Walden is very nice, great views of the mountains around North Park. Heading down to Granby and on to Grand Lake area is also an easy drive, with only Willow Creek Pass -- hardly a noticeable pass by CO standards.
If you're going to be staying at Timber Creek CG in Rocky, I was just over there this past weekend and the place was literally crawling with elk all over the place. AND the CG wasn't full at all on a Saturday, lots of sites still open. Looked for moose but didn't see any, but it was the wrong time of day when I was over there; in the evenings is a good bet to see moose along the Colorado River in that area.