2012Coleman wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
I would think that even review sites have to be careful to not allow reviews to become posts that open them up Liable and Slander lawsuits.
That's what the Communications Decency Act is for. hopefully, they are familiar with their rights under this act as when a website owner edits contents or filters the material or postings that are published, they may be liable under certain circumstances.
As a webmaster of several sites, I have some experience in this area.
230's primary interpretation is that an entity has immunity if they are just showing something someone else has written.
Tertiary (or further down the line) interpretation is that once the entity edits or revises or requires the author to edit or revise, then the immunity stops as that entity is now considered a publisher, open to libel and slander issues.
That stranglehold on content would seem to put a site/entity at a disadvantage.
Anyroad...please keep in mind that the link to 230 is a plain-vanilla, easily digestible (okay, dumbed down) Wiki and not the actual text. There's a kick-butt Amicus and tons of research on line (some of which I had the pleasure of contributing to).
And, of course, I am not your paid legal counsel nor your research monkey. If you have questions, go pay someone for advice. :B