greydog wrote:
We own a campground and believe me, generators are one of the big issues but everyone learns to deal with it. Pets are another issue. So are late-night parties. One night I heard what sounded like a chainsaw at about 11:30 PM. I went up to see what was going on and it turned out to be a gas-powered margarita mixer. When I was writing up the rules about "quiet time" it never occurred to me to list margarita mixers as something you couldn't run after ten. When I mentioned to the offender that I had had some complaints he said, "they could have come for a drink". I explained they didn't want to drink, they wanted to sleep. He finally got the message. The same guy has been camping with us for seven years now and I think I have to jack him up over something every year. It has become a tradition. We are new to rv travel and are curious to see what it's like on the other side of the fence. GD
We also own a small campground, rustic, no hookups, just a porta potty. Generators are allowed but restricted to between 10am to 6pm to appease neighbors and tent campers. The four spaces are far apart so doesn’t bother any one. Most of our campers are tent campers or have solar on vans or TCs. No margarita mixers but I have seen one. Pretty cool. Happy camping.