Each Superbowl is unique. The parking, the transportation and the security is vastly different than a regular season game. Even if you found someone on this forum that religiously went to Texan games in an identical rig, their experience wouldn't translate to the Superbowl. I have been fortunate to have been to three, two of which were at stadiums where I had previously attended a regular season game. You aren't going to be able to get an RV within a country mile of the game. Find a park well outside the impact area of the game and take the public transportation to the game. It's going to be an all day affair. You don't drive up, go to your seat, watch the game and get home in five hours.
Superbowls are truly amazing events, but in reality, the game is better enjoyed on television. Those great commercials are just long breaks in game action. That halftime show isn't that great if you aren't on the 50 yard line facing the stage. If the tickets end up costing around $5000 a seat (and that is probably what you are going to pay), plan on spending nearly that much on the parties, the surrounding events, food, drink, lodging, transportation etc. I would never go to one if I wasn't financially willing and able to do the entire experience.