John&Joey wrote:
v10superduty wrote:
...US side has had Canadian money at par nights. The movie theater does the same...
Thought about it a tad more, FOR THE RECORD, I as an US Citizen can also use Canadian money at that bar. They better honor it!!!!, or they will have an issue with our laws.
Now I may choose not to use Canadian money, but that is my choice. ;)
You got it figured out.. ;)
So now how to handle this one?
In the past the local business's would offer and serve a "free" pancake breakfast to the incoming USA residents, at the border crossing on the opening weekend of fishing season.. :W
Nice eh?
Unless your a hungry Canadian. :S
It bothered me for years but I'm over it now :B
Seriously, I applaud any business trying new ideas to bring extra customers to their place.
If that campgrounds plan brings even "one" extra Canadian couple to his resort, that whole area benefits...
Because once they cross the border heading south, its likely "10 grand" to spend in the USA if its a several month trip.