magnusfide wrote:
Friends of ours visited OL last August and regretted it. They were afraid for their children to walk around the cg because the situation has gotten worse with the out of control golf carts,
The roads are meant for vehicle traffic. Whether it be golf carts, cars, trucks or rvs. If you are walking or riding a bike, then it is like anywhere else, you need to watch where you are walking and watch for traffic. OL is the largest rv park on the east coast. It's a very popular and busy place and something u will need to expect in any place of so many people in such a limited amount of space.
foul language
Don't think that is limited to OL.
and even some incidents of "flashing" body parts.
Dang have missed that in all the times we have gone!
Not family friendly because of its frat party atmosphere.
That's a funny comment. While many of the RVers like to have a good fun time, the majority of them are well over 40 yrs old and hardly frat material. They are the same people you camp with at the state parks and COE's. They are the same people who camp at Lakewood (Christian based park like MBTP), but prefer OL because of various reasons.
That said there's plenty of other cgs in Myrtle Beach that are family friendly.
That said, the same people are camping all over. If they can't get in OL, they go to the other parks.
Good seafood there too.
I will agree with that. And unless you want to fight for your food at one of the buffets, the majority of the great seafood restaurants are in the surfside/Murrels inlet area, which is closer to OL than MBTP.