Nov 22, 2023Nomad III
sign in
I much preferred being able to view messages without having to sign in each and every time
I'm with you Don...
I find it a nuisance to have to sign in every time too.
OK, RV.Net was less secure, but seriously, don't hackers and crooks have better things to do than get into a bunch of "older folks" chit chat about RV related stuff? In the scheme of things nothing on the forum is life changing to others.
I stayed signed in to RV.Net for months, years, until I cleared cookies or did a fresh install of my OS to clean things up.
Oh well, I have the log in credentials saved so I don't have to enter it every time. It self populates for me at login.
I find that if I close the window--and return I have to log in again.
I also find the board quite sluggish--even though at the moment I'm on a fibre connection at 500 m/s.