Forum Discussion

way2roll's avatar
Navigator II
Sep 25, 2024

Where are the mods and tech support?

About a dozen SPAM abortion posts on the site for over a day and they are still here. Abandonment and left completely unattended, this site becomes more of a risk than just shutting it down. 

  • I tried to find where we could notify a moderator, but found nothing. 😞

  • Report the posts and I will handle them. Remember, I don't live on this forum and am just a volunteer and have a life outside of it.

    • MNtundraRet's avatar

      It looks like you removed all the spam. I did not find any at 6am Thursday. I realize you are still working and have less time to help here. Are any other MODs still helping here?



      • Bedlam's avatar

        I am the most active on the forum out of the moderators. I am told there are some changes coming to make the experience better but have no details or timeline that was shared with me. There are things I cannot do here but I also found some creative ways to get the primary job done. Keep being my eyes and ears on the forum and I will do my best to keep it cleaned up.

      • Bedlam's avatar

        To the right of each message is a down arrow. The last option in the drop down menu is for reporting. Let me  know whether this is Spam, Hate, Duplicate, Misfiled, whatever...

        I will get through these reports as time allows if no one else helps clear the cue.

  • Well, the forum is still working and the RV.Net older posts still have valuable data.

    I know it doesn't look good, but we can still help people while the forum is still working.


  • All mods are gone at this point, I think. Even TeamGoodSam - the admin hasn't logged in since March. Must have been a mass exodus. i know I got a personal note form one mod a while ago they were done with it. So almost all members left, and it seems like there isn't single mod or admin left either. We're on a ghost ship folks.  Doesn't GS care about the perception and reflection this site has? Better to shut it down if it's in any way indicative of how GS runs things. 

  • MORSNOW's avatar
    Navigator III

    Agree!  There are 19 new spam posts in the Everything RV Tips & Tricks page alone!  They are clearly marked as being from Oman, Dubai, etc. 

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