"Look at some of my more recent posts for my solution to the 12v outlet at the bed. The draw from a CPAP using direct 12v is low enough that I have no concerns about tapping into the wires for the reading light, but I would be concerned using an inverter with that setup."
As I initially recommended I will be drawing power from the back of the house fuse box which is mounted vertically at the foot of our bed. It will be a very short run, about 2' to where the new DC (cigarette), outlet will be mounted. No problem running the 250 watt inverter, heck it runs the 22" Vizio and the DVD player without complaint and they draw a lot more than the 2 amps AC of my Cpap. I will look into getting a DC power cord for the Cpap but that too will plug into my new 12V outlet.