campigloo wrote:
Thanks Francesca, that is the one I was looking at. Another had a scoop on the bottom of the trailer pushing air into the vacuum. Some 1/4" plywood and fiberglass resin? The bugs are not the problem, just an indication of where the air hits the trailer.
Altern, can I send you an ace bandage? LOL
It will take something more substantial in strength than 1/4 plywood and fiberglass resin to survive the wind and air pressure your devices are going to be exposed to (screws at high speeds would simply pull right through the plywood and then you will have some expensive repairs). Especially if you are driving 70 MPH and have wind gusts of 20 MPH or more.
You basically need to construct it as if it was going to be exposed to HURRICANE wind speeds. There IS reasons as to why those commercial built truck deflectors cost so much..
One sheet of 1/4" plywood will add nearly 38 lbs to your weight to boot and adding fiberglass and resin will add a few more lbs per sheet...
You almost would need to built a lightweight aluminum tubing frame then skin it with FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Panels). This will cost you much more than $100 and the net savings in fuel mileage most likely will be far less than if you slowed down (which is FREE). Aluminum and FRP are very lightweight materials but do cost more than say plywood...