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EMD360's avatar
Aug 09, 2021

Fantastic 7350 fan Install

New to us RV so lots of projects. Today I replaced the OEM fan in the bathroom with a fantastic fan. The 7350 blows in and out and has an auto rain sensor to close and a fancy remote that only works in direct line of sight. So I mounted the remote in the bathroom. It’s so much quieter than the rattly old fan.
The original fan was clamp style. Not screwed to the roof just caulked with some very sticky black caulk. The new fan screws into the roof. I actually prefer the clamp style. Especially that the inside trim screwed to the fan and not the bathroom ceiling.
This was the first time I’ve seen the roof structure. Very flimsy looking. But lightweight with only very thin fiberboard sandwiching a thick layer of styrofoam.

The caulk was very sticky but it was a hot day. It tended to get all over my hands and the roof of the RV. I did not attempt to remove it. I used double stick eternabond on top of it and on the fan flange. Then I screwed it down through the eternabond tape. I finished the caulking with 2” eternabond all around the flange on the roof.

Next I had to cut the inside trim to the correct depth. I saw a video that would have totally messed up the trim if I had cut it as they marked it. The trim got put in place and marked at the ceiling. But that measurement had to be moved to the bottom of the skirt not cut where marked. Luckily I realized that and used my dermal to cut the plastic and a box cutter to clean up the edge. The video used a jigsaw which may have worked too.
As I put the trim piece on I tucked the extra wires behind it.

Then the trim was screwed to the ceiling.

The black knob on this fan both opens it and turns it on. More refined controls are on the remote. Can be set for temperature as well as speed and direction.
I had to spend quite a bit of time cleaning the black sticky stuff off the roof. At one point I set down the eternabond roll and it stuck to the roof too.
Goo Gone worked well to remove it but I had to spray it and wash it up several times. Goof Off helped to wash off streaks of it from my sponge. Messy!

After I got it cleaned up that section of the roof was clean but I need to get out there and do the rest!