I basically just installed my 600W pure sign wave INVERTER as close to the batteries as i can get it and used 4AWG cables going to the battey connection through a 130AMP fuse block I think is what I have.
The 120VAC OUTLETS of the INVERTER go to two regular 120VAC HD extension cords with one drop near the Home Entertainment Center and the other extension cord drop to the night table near the bed. My extension cords are all routed out-of-sight with nothing visible except the 120VAC extension cord multi-tap receptacle mounted on the back of the cabinet top.
These two drops are my "120VAC emergency power" source and is always on when the INVERTER is turned on. My home entertainment items are all plugged into this source even when we are camping at electric sites.
As others has suggested here the INVERTERs are really power hungary and will deplete a 12VDC battery in short order. I was setup for 255AH battery capacity and just running the home entertainment items and a few other 120VAC and DC appliances is about all my batteries would allow in a one day/night battery run. Then I will re-charge my battery bank the next morning during breakfast in around three hours using smart-mode charging technology with my 2KW Honda Generator when allowed to run it at the camp sites.
I drew up this simplified diagram to help a friend doing his trailer and shows some info that might be interesting to you.

Doing it this way doesn't get all involved in transfer relays and separating out the different 120VAC circuit breakers etc you might to use with the INVERTER.
The downside of course is you have to plug something into this method in order to use it. Nothing automatic.
This is the also the main reason for selecting a PURE SINE WAVE type INVERTER for my installations. I don't have to worry if it is compatible or not with the appliances being plugged into it. Certainly don't want anything to go up in "blue" smoke or running extremely hot... With the 120VAC emergency power receptacle out in plain view is inviting for anyone to just plug something into it. It will go "POOF" in a hurry if not compatible.
just my thoughts
Roy Ken