Forum Discussion

btcruzer's avatar
Jan 09, 2015

replacement lavatory sources?

I'd like to replace the "stock" lavatory in my 2003 Fleetwood. It is the very plain plastic off white type mostly square in shape. Something to fit in the same hole without cutting would be nice. Sources?
  • Just go to Home Depot or equiv and get something slightly bigger.
    I got a nice unit on sale for $17.99.
  • Many RV Lavatorys are custom made for that layout and are often smaller than home types.

    All you can do is take some measurements including the depth and go to your local big box home center and start comparing sink sizes.. You might be able to find some smaller sinks that may fit with a little enlarging of the opening..

    Alternately you might want to check with some mobile home dealers. Mobile homes typically use smaller sinks than what you find in a sticks and bricks home..

    Baring all that if nothing else there are surplus RV parts places which buy up new old stock and resell it..

    Here is a couple of places I have purchased RV parts from..


  • Color is sometimes called parchment.
    I would look at your local big box hardware store, Lowes, Home Depot or Menards for a bar sink of the correct size.
    This outfit makes many sinks for RVs.LaSalle Bristol
  • Have you looked here: