Forum Discussion

caysea7254's avatar
Jul 26, 2016

337 RLS reflection generator storage area

ok asked Grand Design what the maximum weight for that storage area is and they said 200lbs. Hmm isn't that a little light? DH is putting our batteries and inverter in that area cause we don't have a built in generator and we hual our generator in the back of our truck. Thoughts please! Thanks Tara
  • Thanks everyone for reply! DH is on the way to home depot now to reinforce the same way you did wanabe351. Thanks for the info Dh appreciates it. We leave in 2 weeks for Yellowstone & Grand Tetons and he bought solar and batteries and what ever else was needed to completely be self contained. Anyway we sure didn't want to be going down highway and bottom falls out!!! So Thanks again everyone and Wanabe351 for sharing. Thanks Tara :)
  • It is only a sheet metal floor, so I would reinforce it with brackets.

    The Reflection line does not offer generator prep, so there is no reinforcement there now.
  • For my front compartment I installed 2 metal supports under the floor..Using inch and half 90*angle iron from home depot, bolted into place going from frame rail to frame rail....This supports my 200# generator,2-6v batteries 140#,1-12v 48#'s backup battery(the factory Battery) which comes to 388lbs...For there is no support built under the compartment on my Montana
  • It the storage area was built/designed to mount a generator then I would say you should be ok on weight up to the point of what a generator would normally weigh. I checked and the Cummins 4000 appears to weight around 180lbs and the 5500 comes in at 270 or so pounds. I would check the "generator" compartment and make sure there is good support underneath for where the batteries would be placed.
  • I'd find a different place for the batteries. You aren't saying where the compartment is, but my guess is it's not reinforced enough to handle more weight moving around.
  • You might get more/better responses over on the Grand Design Owners' Forum:

    Forum link

    If you post in the tech section, Janice from GD customer service monitors the thread. Lots of good owner input over there, too (the forum is not owned or operated by Grand Design.)

  • I really think he took a guess! I say that because I called it front storage area and he corrected me and said it is called generator storage and then he said so a generator weighs around 200 so that would be maximum weight! Hmm doesn't convince us!!! Tara
  • Did they say why only 200lbs ? Is it from the flooring material or because of suspected frame issues?