I used to complain a bit about the length of time it took to set up a 5er compared to a MH, but with the 6 pt leveling my attitude has changed dramatically.
A few things I now do, that I never would have considered before -
- Make reservations that include me moving from one site to another when the better site becomes available.
- Reserving an electric only site that would involve me pulling out to get water and dump tanks a few times during the trip.
I even pulled into a state park and was double booked with a tenter that the ranger had given my site to by mistake before I got there. The ranger was sympathetic to my need for full hookups but this guy wasn't going to budge, even though he hadn't even unpacked. I raised my hand - don't worry about it - mine is so easy to set up I don't mind parking somewhere else until the morning. :)