MinnCamper wrote:
X2 on magic eraser!
After the second time you use it, black and mold just doesn't come back. I had incredible black in the Spring ever year when first unrolling the awning. Then I discovered Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and the following Spring, it did not have the black. Ever since, never had black come back. Clean it in the Spring, and then follow up with touch ups for bugs and such through the year. It might get dirty, but I haven't seen "black" or "mold" in years now. And yes, when I open the awning, it almost always pours out water.
Try it. It's a little effort to do, but the end result is well worth it. Remember... wipe it on, use a dry cloth and wipe it off. Repeat if it does not come off the first time. But do not scrub. Not necessary, just wipe on, wipe off with a dry cloth, small areas at a time so you are wiping off the dirty wet before it drys. Don't rinse, the chemicals in the eraser keep the black from coming back.