Copperlisa wrote:
You mean the handles on the side? Yes, we've tried that. But it's always worth another try!
Nope...Not those. Those are for extending the awning after it is already out. So you can lower one corner or the other, for water runoff. Those are shot pin handles that go into a series of holes to locate them.
The pinch locks are about 1/3 of the way up the arm from the bottom. Hard to see from the front. But if looking from the front or rear, you can see them. Usually black plastic things. You need to wrap your hand around the front of the arm, and pinch both sides of the plastic lock. Until you hear/feel it release with a little "snap". Then do the same on the other arm. You might need a step stool to reach it on the front arm. Because on a 5'r it is higher up on the front.
After releasing the pinch locks, then pull the unlock lever on the front of the awning roller. Then pull the strap handle to extend the awning out.
Some different awnings might have a slightly different system. But look for those arm locks. Most all have them. They are there to help the arms stay locked to the coach while traveling.