Forum Discussion

Raptormom02's avatar
Apr 18, 2016

Best PDI checklist to take to dealer?

Looking for input on whats is the best PDI check list to take to the dealer. I know about 10 years ago I found a good one, but the link does not work any more. Also how much can you expect a dealer to fix on a used RV you purchase from them? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you
  • I've used Tom Boles PDI Checklist on 3 RVs, worked well for me.
    PDI & Other Checklists

    Since most are not designed for Toy Haulers I suggest taking a full 5 gallon gas can, emptying into the tank and pumping it back out so you can text the fuel station as well as the generator. Test it under load not just firing it up. Turn the A/C units on and give it a good test.

    Some dealers will squawk at the PDI. I had one dealer that didn't want me to do the PDI until I bought it, no way. I was ready to walk - he blinked. This should be one on your own time, you're not asking them to do the work. Ask they give you the initial orientation, then leave you be. Bring a clip board and have at it. Do not sign any purchase documents or loan docs until AFTER you complete your PDI and AFTER they fix anything that isn't working. They will be eager to fix these things before you buy it, but after then you have to go through warranty stuff.
  • I used a variation of #2 above; it's a bit too wordy. It took us about three hours to do our PDI last week. Bottom line is: any PDI is better than no PDI
  • PDI Checklist 1

    PDI checklist 2

    You should be able to negotiate any repair that are needed as part of the purchase contract.

    You may be willing to accept fixing items yourself in order to lower the purchase price.

    Make sure you get EVERYTHING in writing.