Forum Discussion

Limit4's avatar
Aug 23, 2013

Cougar Tank dump valves

We just bought a new 26SAB cougar lite 5th wheel and the handles for the tank dumps are so far under the trailer that I have to get on my knees to see them. Any thoughts or ideas on how to extend the handles. Thanks
  • Thanks for the replies. I think I'll live with it. I wonder sometimes if the ones who design have ever had a camper. Like not being able to open the bedroom door with the wardrobe slide in, Why not a pocket jam? We do like our cougar but scratch our heads sometimes.
  • Have the same issue......just have to get used to the fact that you'll have no choice but to kneel down. I'd be leery using extension handles...may put too much stress & rip the valves loose from their anchor points but you can try em ..just be gentle when pulling the handle.
  • I have a Laredo with the same deal.

    So after a small amount of practice I can reach under there and do it by feel. If you do not have decals along the bottom of the wall labeling the valves, just put some tick marks there with a sharpie.
  • Our last fiver had this same problem. I bought a 2 ft lonf, 3- prong garden weeder. bent the middle prong outward about an inch. Reached to handles easily - 2 prongs on either side of the post behind the handle and the middle post on out side of the handle. Worked well for us. Used the back end of the wooden handle to push the valves closed.