Hunter11 wrote:
Yes you need to go to the Crossroad forum and look under the Rushmore section. Many owners are having problems with their units. See if the units you are looking at come with the old 2 year warranty or the new 1 year. Seems like Crossroads has taken a slide on quality the last couple of years. Now their CEO has resigned.
That's not what I want to hear! I will check the warranty. It said 2-5 on the side of the units. I would definitely switch tires as I just bought new LT tires for mine this spring. Won't own another set of trailer tires on a camper... ever. Looks as if that's all there is to talk about in the Rushmore section is problems. Hmmm... I am handy and fix a lot of stuff myself mostly because I hate the thought of leaving it a a dealer forever for repairs.