rayford118 wrote:
yeah it would not be difficult to get the wires needed to run it from the tv to the receiver, but what makes it difficult for the 4100s is the fact that Heartland put the receiver in the island instead of below the tv. i looked yesterday and i didnt see a way to run the wires......at least not without ripping some walls apart. no access panels that i can find. Another question, if i connect the cyclone to satelite or cable does that run through the receiver first or the tv? I can probably live with it if only the reg tv doesnt use the surround sound.
If the receiver is sending a video signal to the TV, there has to be a wire run for that. You should be able to use that wire as a pull back to pull a new 3 way RCA wire through to the TV. If you poke around a little bit, you will find that access to the wiring isn't all that difficult in these trailers. The outfitters cut huge holes to run wires and they are usually covered by easily removed panels or false walls. The shotty craftsmanship on these things still amazes me. Places where it would take seconds to use a hole saw, they just use a rotozip or sawzall and rip oddly shaped holes to run the wiring. The RV industry as a whole needs an overhaul of their workforce!