Oct-19-2016 03:58 PM
Oct-22-2016 04:12 PM
Oct-22-2016 11:52 AM
Denny & Jami wrote:
Its the design of the hub that can make a difference, the center of the bearing has to be centered on the weight bearing part of the hub. The same goes for the wheels they have to have 0 offset with Nev-R-Lube bearing where standard bearings with take a offset to a point.
Oct-22-2016 11:12 AM
AniJet wrote:Denny & Jami wrote:
Were your original axle Dexter or Lipert, if they were Lipert that was your problem not Never-R-Lube thats a Dexter product. lipert made their own and it was failure. Denny
They were Kodiak hubs on Alko axles. You are correct that Nev-R-Lube is a Dexter name but they both use the same 50mm bearing cartridge. Lippert has never made bearings, they source them from other vendors as does Dexter.
Oct-22-2016 11:00 AM
AniJet wrote:Denny & Jami wrote:
Were your original axle Dexter or Lipert, if they were Lipert that was your problem not Never-R-Lube thats a Dexter product. lipert made their own and it was failure. Denny
They were Kodiak hubs on Alko axles. You are correct that Nev-R-Lube is a Dexter name but they both use the same 50mm bearing cartridge. Lippert has never made bearings, they source them from other vendors as does Dexter.
Oct-22-2016 07:54 AM
Denny & Jami wrote:
Were your original axle Dexter or Lipert, if they were Lipert that was your problem not Never-R-Lube thats a Dexter product. lipert made their own and it was failure. Denny
Oct-22-2016 07:19 AM
AniJet wrote:
2 year old Nev-R-Lub left me stranded for a week waiting for a new axle. I have since switched to the old fashion repackable bearings when I had the MorRyde suspension installed. I use to check the hubs with a temp gun but when it failed we had been driving for about 3 hours and I don't remember if I checked the temp during the prior stop but doubt it would have indicated a failure pending 3 hours later. I believe a failure of this type happens quickly.
Oct-21-2016 06:30 PM
blofgren wrote:
Where is the best place to buy a spare hub and Nevrlube bearing assembly? They want my first born for one here in Canada so I am thinking of ordering one in the US and have it shipped to my post office box in Blaine. Thanks!
Oct-21-2016 05:54 PM
blofgren wrote:
Where is the best place to buy a spare hub and Nevrlube bearing assembly? They want my first born for one here in Canada so I am thinking of ordering one in the US and have it shipped to my post office box in Blaine. Thanks!
Oct-21-2016 05:42 PM
Oct-21-2016 05:14 PM
Oct-21-2016 04:27 PM
Oct-21-2016 03:40 AM
Oct-20-2016 06:32 PM
Oct-20-2016 05:50 PM
Pipeman wrote:
I "had" never lubes on my 2009 5er. This past summer while heading out to Alberta, the left rear brake drum broke up and the only thing left was the part that held the wheel studs. When a repairman came to the 5er where we were in a campground in Edmonton, he found the bearing to be damaged. He tried to get a new drum and bearing but Lippert told him they didn't make parts for that axle anymore. So got rid of the never lubes and got 2 new Dexter axles with bearings that can be greased when needed. The summer before last, my repairman, here, was able to change out the never lubes and one fell apart in his hand. I have never liked having them because I could never grease them myself.