Forum Discussion

funpro's avatar
Jun 29, 2013

Dometic refrig/freezer DM2652 - too cold

How do I control the temp in this refrig/freezer? I have moved the slider on the ribs to the lowest point and it still seems to keep freezing stuff in the refrigerator part, and creating frost on the rigs.

There is no info in the manual as to how to control temp.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Just returning from Alberta and BC into Montana. 4 more weeks til we get home and would like to see if I can find answer.
  • Get a fan like described to move the air around and adjust the thermistor. If that doesn't work, your cooling unit may be failing. Mine did the exact same thing. It froze everything no matter what we did, then quit cooling all together. The cooling unit had a freon very slow freon leak. Take off you cover on the outside and look for any yellowish colored residue, especially around the burner.
  • If you don't have one yet, be sure to purchase a small battery powered fan that sits in the lower section of the fridge. It helps circulate the air and gives a more even distribution of cold air.
  • you can call demetric and talk directly to them.

    it is propably your thermistor but talk to them.

    Customer Support Center

    2320 Industrial Parkway
    Elkhart, IN 46516

    Phone: 1-800-544-4881
  • You model of fridge does not have a 'temp control' adjustment....pre-set at factory.

    Freezing of stuff in fridge section is caused by three things
    'Manual' mode vs 'auto' mode. In manual fridge will cool continuously
    Switch to 'auto' mode operation
    Faulty thermistor will cause continuous cooling
    Thermistor fallen down...not held in clip..causes continuous cooling
    Moving thermistor downward will make fridge section LESS cool (you can move clip from right fin to next fin but overall effect is only 6-8*F)
    *Bad lower circuit board.....have board bench tested

    IF thermistor is faulty you can replace just the tip with this kit
    Repair kit link
  • To Donn, there are no settings, only a plastic slider
    To Pipeman - thanks that's a great suggestions, will definitely try it.
  • My son has been told that if the slider is on the right hand fin it's set at the coldest. To get to a warmer setting move the slider off that fin and put it on one to the left as you face the fridge. You'll probably have to experiment until you get it where you want it. God luck.
  • What do you have the temp set for on the control panel? Three is generally good.