fx2tom wrote:
Have to agree with the other posters that your issue is mainly CW. I live about 30 minutes from Genesis manufacturing plant in SoCal and a buddy of mine has a Genesis Supreme. Any issues he takes directly to GS and they fix within a couple of days.
I respect everyone's opinion but honestly at this point I disagree. Initially CW requested Siding repair to be performed and Genesis declined. This is not CW's fault and thus far they have been fourth coming which I can't say regarding Genesis.
I had to take social media action for Genesis to finally come forward and make things right.
Have you seen the pictures of the original Water tank supports? They are a joke... I recommend you take a look under your trailer and make sure yours haven't started to bend.
I don't have any other options in Idaho and Genesis will not work with anyone else but CW to repair the Siding.