richfaa wrote:
LostinAZ wrote:
richfaa wrote:
Lippert builds over 60% of all frames so they may have more problems.
Yep, we owners need to make excuses for Lippert
I did not flunk my course in probabilities. Minimum common sense will indicate that the more of a product in use the greater probability of failure even if the % is the same..
Not arguing with that at all. However,there is another side to this coin. Lippert has more experience with higher volume of production and therefore their intimate knowledge of weak points in their product should be higher and therefore their failure rate as a percentage of total production should be significantly lower than other manufacturers....... unless...... the other manufacturers are building in more safety margin into their frames than Lippert. I hereby predict that if we could have access to the engineering design specifications of all frames vs their intended application we would find that Lippert is cutting corners significantly more than the other frame builders. I cannot prove that to be true nor can it be disproved without that data. However I would venture a guess that Lippert's failure rate percentage is much higher than other frame manufacturers. Especially in the Keystone/Montana line. I think it is pure speculation and a corporate fed Kool Aid fantasy to let Lippert off the hook just because they build more frames than any other frame manufacturer. In reality they should have frame design down so well they should have a miniscule failure rate compared to other lower volume builders. That does not appear to be true.