dieseltruckdriver wrote:
I should add, I also only use non ethanol premium in all my small engines.
As far as Seafoam being snake oil, I used to think that too. If you obviously haven't tried it, don't knock it. I used to make fun of it too, and got proved wrong. I am not a big fan of crow.... ;)
I have used seafoam, its a great stabilizer , I guess. Nothing replaces shutting off the gas ,and running until it quits. No gas in the carb equals no problems
I have a 28 year old Honda lawn power, , and I have done this for 28 years, I leave whatever gas is in the tank, turn off the gas , run till it quits. Top off the gas with fresh in the spring, and it fires on the first one or two pulls, and runs as good as the day it was bought. I do the same with all my small engines.