My email from Dexter on 5.2k to 6k to 7k Dexster axle brakes;
Dexter email;
Your online website says; "The Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) of your running gear is determined by the lowest rated component in the assembly. The capacity of the wheel, tire, axle, brake, springs/rubber and hub are all considered." However the 5.2k/6k and 7k axles show 12" x 2" brakes. What is the determining brake spec differences in those three axle ratings ? I've looked at Dexters online brake part specs and see different part numbers but that doesn't say the 6k axle brakes have more braking performance than the 5.2k axle brakes.
Mr. xxx,
While the 5.2, 6 & 7K brakes are all 12x2 in size they do have different lining material, magnets and reinforcement of the metal backing plates. Thanks ......Jim Miller / Dexter Axle
Someone asked about legal issues regarding payloads. There are no legal issues regarding payload numbers. Those numbers aren't on the trailer or registration papers.
What a size and weight officer looks at is the trailers (the size axles in question) gawrs/tire load ratings. I've had more than one officer crawl under a trailer and check for the axle rating number on the metal id tag.
I carry a 7060- 7240 lb blue tractor on a bumper pull 18' 10k car hauler with 5200 lb axles/ load E tires.... with 8800-9200 lbs on the trailers axles depending on which attachments (fel/bb/7' mower) is on the tractor.
The tractor looks big ( tall above the deck) with 52" tall tires when sitting on the short trailer.
Dot stops me checking for break away hook up and tie downs. He did look at the tire load ratings and the trailers tagged gawrs...and asked if I have weighed the rig. I showed him my CAT scale ticket. He says the axle tire load number look good ...thanked me for being 100 percent legal on the tie downs/brake away system and says have a good day.
Never a word about a payload numbers or a gvwr number.