butchfuzion wrote:
Thanks all. You were all on the right track but worst news for me. Went to check the Bats (2 deep cell 6 volts) and one was low on water. Went to fill and couldn't seem to get it full! Found out why - water was running out a crack on the end of it. These were brand new and were on charger the whole. The thing that really threw me was that the stupid battery meter in the control panel showed fully charged and so did the panel on the six point leveling system and all other 12 volt stuff was working. Drag them off to CW this weekend and see what warranty looks like. Thanks again.
I had a battery "blow up" in my bass boat. Had it on charge. I guess there was a short in the battery that cause it. Those get bounced around a lot. I ended up replacing with Optima gel batteries. Never another problem. My TT still has the original. When it goes I will replace it with a get type