Forum Discussion

boatscr's avatar
Jul 12, 2014

Just an Idea!

The DW came up with an idea to cool off the bedroom without installing another AC in the bedroom. We only have one AC in the living room and a small ceiling fan. Albeit a small 12 volt fan that is almost useless. Most of the times the AC works very hard to cool down the trailer after a day of traveling at 90 to 100 degree heat. And the bedroom remains hot a long time.

Has anyone tried to install a 120V small ceiling fan in the bedroom ceiling like most of us have in our bedrooms at home? We do not dry camp when its that hot.

Most fivers have the 120V power there in the ceiling. I do. A small fan would weigh much less than an AC, cost a whole lot less, and make much less noise when trying to sleep.

How to mount and wire it would be a big help before I start.

Thanks to all for your input.
  • We have BR A/C but also use an oscillating tower fan. It fits just right on a small shelf I added to the side of the dresser. Just put it on the bed when traveling.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Assuming your goal is to replace the warm bedroom air with the cold living room air, I don't think a ceiling fan would be my choice.

    I'd use a household standup fan and blow into, or out of, the bedroom.

    Plus I close most of the vents in kitchen and living area at night.
  • I did install a small ceiling fan in the bedroom. It is 110 volt. I found a fan online from HD and used those specs to figure out where it would fit without any interference. Over the bed where you cannot hit it.....and far enough from where the slide comes in. Used the 110 wiring from an outlet where the bedroom tv plugs in. Fished the wiring from there to where the fan would mount. Moves a lot of is a 3 speed with a remote. It has worked just great for us.
  • Two things to think about, if you have a bedroom slide will the fan hit the slide when you bring it in. The second is the headroom clearance in your bedroom. In my trailer I would get a buzz cut every night when I get up to go to the bathroom.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Assuming your goal is to replace the warm bedroom air with the cold living room air, I don't think a ceiling fan would be my choice.

    I'd use a household standup fan and blow into, or out of, the bedroom.

    I have to agree with this.

    Even a small 6" fan that runs on 120V can move quite a bit of air. Plug it into the wall, forget about any wiring problems, point it towards the bed and start sleeping comfortably.
  • In our case we opted for a MAXXFAN that works both ways. Our 5ver is wired and framed for the second a/c. In our case it would not have been too hard to mount the box to the frame, and then attach the ceiling fan to the box, just like the 6 ceiling fans in my house are attached to the ceiling J-box.
  • Assuming your goal is to replace the warm bedroom air with the cold living room air, I don't think a ceiling fan would be my choice.

    I'd use a household standup fan and blow into, or out of, the bedroom.