scotthas wrote:
Go for it. I would make sure your level for the fridge if you have an rv fridge.
Somewhere I read where someone posted from the owners manual of, I believe, a norcold fridge, it stated 3 degrees side to side (as standing looking at the fridge), and 6degrees front to back. Have you guys ever done the math on that, it would almost be impossible to stay in the camper and be out of spec. Assuming the camper is 8' wide 6^ equates to 10" of side to side out of level. Let call 33' an average for camper length, 3^ in 33' comes out to 20" out of level. Would be mighty difficult to be comfortable in a camper that far out of level.
I know this is way off topic, just found that interesting when I actually figured how far out of level that was