Forum Discussion

Steve92004's avatar
Aug 30, 2017

Need a 50 gallon Weekend Warrior fresh water tank

One of the tanks on my 2007 Weekend Warrior Superlite 2500 has a leak
I've tried everything to fix it and I think it's ruined by now
Where can I get a replacement?
I'm in San Diego County
  • Plati-mend worked on mine. My upper corner split due to filling too fast and this pretty well did the trick.
  • time2roll wrote:
    Black ABS can be repaired with PlastiMend. Need to lightly sand the surface to clean/prepare and the sealant/solvent melts into and combines with the existing ABS same as joining waste pipes. For large issues or to provide support with a flex point that broke you may need to add some sheet ABS to strengthen the area. I have used PlastiMend on a corner flex point that was a bit thin and ripped from the fill/empty/fill cycle. Has held over five years. This after using several other 'solutions'.

    They also sell on amazon

    Thanks I think I'll try that
    Mine is on a corner like you said
    I guess I'll sand off all the repairs I already tried and give that a shot
    Thanks for the help on the converter wiring also, worked like a champ
  • Black ABS can be repaired with PlastiMend. Need to lightly sand the surface to clean/prepare and the sealant/solvent melts into and combines with the existing ABS same as joining waste pipes. For large issues or to provide support with a flex point that broke you may need to add some sheet ABS to strengthen the area. I have used PlastiMend on a corner flex point that was a bit thin and ripped from the fill/empty/fill cycle. Has held over five years. This after using several other 'solutions'.

    They also sell on amazon
  • Thanks, the tank is black
    I called Ronco in Tustin and they have them for $514
    I've tried a lot of fixes including plastic welding, water weld adhesive sealers, even 15 coats of flex seal
    the only thing that remotely worked was some thick gooey duct sealer an AC friend gave me to try.
    There is a guy near me that repairs tanks, do you think it could be repaired after all that stuff I applied to it?
  • Do you have a size if so try EBAY first
    second try
  • Is the plastic milkish white? Needs to be 'welded' probably by a pro. Nothing really sticks to polyethylene or polypropylene.

    Black ABS is always repairable.