I came across what I believe is the best lube solution out there. Its a dry lube, graphite solution that I found a few years ago when trying to quiet an WDH I was using on my first TT. This product comes in a spray can and goes on wet and looks like black paint when you apply it.
You spray everywhere you suspect the squeak and then let it dry for 24 hours. It basically leaves the metal with a Teflon-like coating that lasts for years. I solved my squeak problem back then and when I sold the TT a couple of years later, the coating still looked new.
For scissor jacks, I'd lower the jack a little, spray the screw amply right behind where it goes thru the nut then immediately raise it back up to get the wet product into the nut. Wait a few minutes and go ahead and lower the jack all the way down. Now spray the entire length of the screw and other parts. This time leave it down for 24 hours (or until you are ready to leave camp whichever is longer). If it doesn't solve your squeak problem, consider doing it a second time, this product does work.
Here's an Amazon link to the product and where I bought mine:
link SLIP DRY LUBRICANT 12oz can