My 2 zero-gravity chairs are too tall to stand on their sides, so they have to lay flat. But, because they're the "oversized" versions, they are too big to go on top of other stuff. So, they're always on the bottom. On top of them go our bag chairs, fold up tables (sometimes) and folding clothing rack. SO- to get the more comfortable chairs out, we have to unload too much carp.
My plan is to take either two 2x8 or 2x10s (depending on how tall the 2 zero-gravity chairs are when laying on top of each other) and stand them on their edge (2" wide by 8-10" tall). Then use plywood to tie them together on top and make a shelf, of sorts. They will slide in underneath. Then, it's easy in/easy out for them. Other stuff can get stacked up on top.
Everything other than "furniture" is in some sort of crate or tote. Either Rubbermaid crates or small Walmart plastic totes like was previously mentioned. I
use these ones that the tops snap together for spare parts and goodies.