raid3r2011 wrote:
I thought when they took possession of the vehicle that they were supposed to go over it & check the roof & all the other areas for any defects. Guess not. I don't really care how long the PDI lasts because I want it to be in the best shape possible. I hadn't planned on checking the roof but I sure will now. thanks for the advice.
Reality is, even the most reputable dealer (or savvy RV owner) will not catch every defect when they take possession of an RV. The lack of quality control by most RV manufacturers makes this task nearly impossible. All a dealer and buyer can do is hope the manufacturer will step up to the plate during the warranty period.
For someone purchasing their first RV, IMO their best defense during a PDI is to bring along a trusted friend or acquaintance well-versed in RV's. Failing that, maybe consider hiring a trusted, mobile RV-tech for a few hours.
Yes, good suggestion from a previous poster about checking the roof (and the chassis, too) during the PDI. At the bare minimum, I'd be on the lookout for any damage that may have incurred during shipment or movement. Once you leave the dealership, it will be very difficult to prove liability for this type of damage after the fact.
Good luck! Enjoy the new rig!!