rhagfo wrote:
Well as son of a Firefighter I avoid portable electric heaters as much as possible. I am
Concerned with draw on an RV outlet, and fires started by contact of flammable materials. The only semi safe portable electric heater is the oil filled, but still the issue with draw on the outlet.
I agree 100%. Whenever possible I add dedicated outlets on separate breakers to use with portable heaters. My present rig has all of the outlets in the trailer on a single 15 amp breaker which means a lot of connections between the breaker and most of the outlets, too easy for a poor connection to overheat and cause a fire. Doesn't matter if the appliance is a heater, hair dryer or coffee maker. Although most of the other high current items only run for a few min. while the heater may run for hours.
Anyway since the toyhauler doesn't have forced heat to the garage, I added one outlet there plus two others in the rest of the trailer.