Forum Discussion

Gray_Fox's avatar
Sep 11, 2017

Refrigerator Door

Has anyone had a Norcold ref. door Models #N811 b0ttom hinge brake. Can you get a replacement part for the door.
  • Search Turned up several places you can buy hinges
  • I have the Ref. door fixed made one with a 1/8" piece of aluminum works like new.
  • In a prior TT we had a lower fridge hinge break on a trip. I did a temp fix with JB Weld and a screw (also drilled channel for JB). Temp fix lasted for years and I never elected to spend hundreds for new door.
  • Gray Fox wrote:
    I have the Ref. door fixed made one with a 1/8" piece of aluminum works like new.

    How about some photos to share your repair? Thanks.
  • We have experienced an issue with our N8x model Our door is right hinged and the door fell completely off. I found kit Norcold 634166 Door Hinge Retrofit Kit on Amazon fixed the issue. Kit is compatible for either right or left hinged door. We highly recommend this kit.
  • I have a 2011 Norcold N1095 with the plastic hinges. My wife and I are fulltimers, a few years ago when the fridge door fell off in her hand I called my good friend RV Bill and asked him what to do. He had me go to Home Depot and get a piece of 1/8" aluminum bar. Don't remember if it was 2 1/2 or 3" wide, but HD had it in stock. Cut it to about 1/4 the length of the door. I then drilled holes for screws and the hinge pin. I then filed the rough edges off and Rust-Oleum painted it black to match the bottom trim of the door. Screwed it to the bottom of the door and you could just about hang on it now! It will WAY out last the life of the fridge, and in less I pointed it out to you, you would never notice. I'm not at all tool handy, but through these basic instructions RV Bill was even able to make me figure it out! ??

    Back on fridge

  • Seems to me there should be a recall on this, as with everybody else we have not abused this refrigerator and the door fell off . Norcold told us to get a reinforcement kit which is useless after the hinge broke. Thetford owns Norcold . I believe everybody should contact them ( demanding them to buy and or replace defective door, they should be sued with a class action suit. Thetford has known about this problem for a long time and their solution is to buy a reinforcement kit for a broken door.