jnharley wrote:
We have a 10 cf Norcold. It is plenty big enough for the 2 of us and does not seem to have the same problems that the 4 door ones have. We have a wireless thermostat that monitors the freezer and fridge separately and also one on our residential fridge. The temp swings are almost exactly the same. The residential freezer can maintain a lower temp than the Norcold. I generally see temps around 6 degrees with the Norcold freezer and 10 degrees lower with the residential one.
What problems do the 4 door fridge's have?? Just curious, ours is 7 years old, a Norcold and we've never had the first issue with our's..Does a very good job of keeping things frozen in the two freezer sections and does an excellent job of keeping things cold in the refrigerator portion. has two outside vents with an OEM vent fan...