720Deere wrote:
NCHauler, most people that experience cooling issues have their fridge located in a slide out. When located in a slide out, the top vent is on the side of the slide and does not allow heat to easily escape straight out of the top like a roof vent. Usually adding a fan or two above the coils helps fix this problem.
The biggest problem I have seen with them is like any other absorption fridge, they lack a fan inside to circulate air over the cooling coil. Adding a decent fan helped mine achieve the same temperatures on #7 as it did previously on #9.
Gotcha...My 4 door fridge is in a slide, but again, there is an outside vent near the top and one in the bottom, (two vent's), with a very efficient fan blowing on the coils, when on...Again, have never had an issue was just curious. I know some have added a fan or two, mine already had the two vents and a very good fan.