fj12ryder wrote:
I agree that a 1/2 inch isn't going to affect anything. Centered up, that amounts to 1/4" per side. Just can't see any issues with that.
Yes, "centered up", that's not much. But OTOH,
You can see it on the drivers side. The curb side is lined up like it should be.
Makes me wonder about how well it is centered? But even worse, if they where sloppy at getting it centered, how close was acceptable when it comes to making sure the axles are running true to each other and frame?
If axles where same length, measure center to center on each end, the numbers should be same. And that would work out if the centers of both axles and kingpin where on same line. But I would think axle center 1/4 inch off that line would show up as tire wear in relative few miles. (Look at toe in measurements for your TV, and how fast tire wear shows up if that's off. That's 2 tires pushing against each other. Would be better with 2 pair fighting?