Another vote for the TorkLift Glow Steps. We've had them on our rig for about a year. Way better than OEM steps. Our original steps were the three step style with about 9½" rise and the top step into the trailer was about 10½". Doesn't sound bad but the Glow Steps four step version reduced the rise to 7½" with a better tread depth. As my knees age that small difference isn't so small any more.
A few years ago we went back to the factory asking for a 4 step foldout unit thinking it would be better than the similar existing 3 step. When the service folks got done, the bottom step was about 1" above the ground and the rise on the other steps wasn't much better than what we already had. They removed the new steps and put the old ones back on. After that, we purchased and liked the 4 step Port-A-Step product but those require a solid top existing step to rest on and/or attach to.
Eventually we switched to the Glow Step product mostly because that product remains attached to the rig vs the Port-A-Steps that have to be packed away when moving. Pricing on the Glow Steps and the Port-A-Steps is similar. For seasonal folks who don't move often, the Port-A-Steps might be a better choice assuming the rig's existing steps are in good shape. The Glow Steps are better for those that move more often and totally replace existing steps.